pco.edge 4.2 bi

  • 背照式感測器
  • 量子效率可達95 %
  • 可調式冷卻系統可低至-25°C
  • 解析度2048 x 2048像素
  • 40fps (最大影格率)
  • USB 3.1 Gen1接口

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我們的pco.edge 4.2 bi相機誕生了!

在此溫度下,暗電流低至0.2 e- / pixel / s。

它具有2048 x 2048的高解析度和6.5 x 6.5 μm²的像素尺寸,
配合高達95 %的量子效率,卻保了圖像的高品質。
並且,pco.edge 4.2 bi相機具有一個強大的USB 3.1數據接口,進一步增強了其性能表現。

  • 16bit背照式sCMOS感測器技術
  • 冷卻最低到-25℃
  • 解析度2048 x 2048像素
  • 像素尺寸6.5 x 6.5 µm²
  • 量子效率可達95 %
  • 最大影格率40 fps @ 全解析度
  • 動態範圍26667 : 1
  • 暗電流(typ.)可低至0.2 e-/pixel/s
  • 滾動快門
  • 快門曝光時間: 10 μs到20 s
  • USB 3.1 Gen1接口

QE curve comparison of pco.edge 4.2 bi uv and vis

sCMOS image sensor
type of sensor backside illuminated

scientific CMOS (bi sCMOS)


resolution (h x v) 2048 x 2048 active pixel
pixel size (h x v) 6.5 μm x 6.5 μm
sensor format / diagonal 13.3 mm x 13.3 mm / 18.8 mm
shutter mode rolling shutter (RS)
MTF 76.9 lp/mm (theoretical)
fullwell capacity 48 000 e-
readout noise (typ.)* 1.8 med e- / 1.9 rms e-
dynamic range (typ.) 26 667 : 1

up to 88.5 dB

quantum efficiency up to 95 %
spectral range 370 nm … 1100 nm

190 nm … 1100 nm UV version

dark current (typ.) 0.2 e-/pixel/s

@ – 25 °C sensor temperature

DSNU 0.9 rms e-
PRNU 1.2 %

* The readout noise values are given as median (med) and root mean square (rms) values, due to the different noise models, which can be used for evaluation.

camera system
frame rate 40 fps

@ full resolution

exposure / shutter time 10 μs .. 20 s
dynamic range A/D* 16 bit
A/D conversion factor 0.8 e-/DN
pixel scan rate 46.0 MHz
pixel data rate 184.0 Mpixel/s
binning horizontal x1, x2, x4
binning vertical x1, x2, x4
region of interest (ROI) horizontal: steps of 32 pixels

vertical: steps of 8 pixels

non linearity < 0.6 %
cooling method adjustable: from – 25 °C to + 20 °C

peltier with forced air (fan)

and water cooling

calibration setpoint: – 10 °C

trigger input signals frame trigger, acquire (SMA connectors)
trigger output signals exposure, busy (SMA connectors)
data interface USB 3.1 Gen 1
time stamp in image (1 μs resolution)

* The high dynamic signal is simultaneously converted at high and low gain by two 12 bit A/D converters and the two 12 bit values are sophistically merged into one 16 bit value.

power delivery power over USB 3.1 Gen 1 and

power connector (24 VDC +/- 10 %)

power consumption typ. 4.5 W over USB 3.1 Gen 1 and typ. 10.0 W (max. 22.0 W)

over power connector

weight 920 g
operating temperature + 10 °C … + 40 °C
operating humidity range 10 % … 80 % (non-condensing)
storage temperature range – 10 °C … + 60 °C
optical interface F-mount, C-mount
CE / FCC certified yes


frame rate table
2048 x 2048 40 fps
2048 x 1024 80 fps
2048 x 512 159 fps
2048 x 256 300 fps
2048 x 128 520 fps
1920 x 1080 76 fps
1600 x 1200 68 fps
1280 x 1024 80 fps
640 x 480 170 fps
320 x 240 317 fps