Sagevision 遠紅外光相機 IRF131

遠紅外光相機 IRF131


Sensor model Sony IMX990-AABA-C
Pixel size 5.0µm x 5.0µm
Sensor size 1/2”
Frame rate 71.53fps@1280x 1024、138.39fps@640×512
Dynamic range TBD
Signal-to-Noise ratio TBD
Sensitivity 686mV
Dark current 1.0mV
Gain range 1x-50x
Exposure time 50µs-3600sec
Shutter Global shutter
Binning Software2x2, 3×3, 4×4
Data interface USB3.0
Data Format Mono8 / Mono12
Cooling performance -10°C

General specification

Power supply Power with USB3.0 and 12V Power adapter
Power consumption <2.1W(no cooling) / <6.36W(cooling)
Temperature Working temperature -20~75℃, storage temperature -40~85℃
Humidity 20%-80%, no condensation
Size 75mm×75mm×68mm
Weight 648g
Lens mount C-mount
Software ToupView/ SDK
Operating system Win32/WinRT/Linux/macOS/Android
Certification CE, FCC, RoHS

IRF131  quantum efficiency