
195mm 低載物設計提供理想的高度給實驗操作台及無菌操作台使用,甚至較高的 Flask 均可放入觀察,因為聚光鏡移除後可有 180mm 之工作距離,另外載物台上有壓克力視窗,可確認那顆物鏡在使用中不需轉動鼻輪再確認。
新的 Apodized Phase Contrast 鏡頭使用位差觀察更方便

Nikon 發展了創新的 Apodized Phase Contrast 鏡頭來提升相位差觀察法的品質,這些鏡頭提供更優良的對比及色調。
TS100 和TS100-F皆可加裝螢光系統,這已經成為許多實驗所需的配備。
Nikon 也提供三眼鏡筒的機型來延展照相系統, CCD 攝影系統或數位影像系統。

Optical System: | CFI60 infinity system, parfocal distance 60mm |
Main body: | Low profile, sturdy main body stand with stage supported on both ends |
Focusing: | Vertical objective movement; Coarse stroke: 37.7mm per rotation, Fine stroke: 0.2mm per rotation |
Eyepiece Tube: | For TS100: Sidentopf-type binocular tube; For TS100F: Sidentopf type trinocular tube (light distribution, bino/photo: 100/0, 0/100) Interpupillary distance: 50-75mm, Eyepoint height: 400mm from table, Inclination: 45° from horizon |
Nosepiece: | Quintuple nosepiece, backward-facing type |
Plain stage: | Stage size: 170 x 225mm, Stage height: 195mm from table, Acrylic window provided, Auxiliary stage attachable |
Illumination: | High luminescent white LED illuminator (Eco-illumination) 6V30W halogen lamp, Built-in heat absorbing filter and diffuser, 2 filters (45-mm NCB11, ND8, GIF) mountable with filter frame Compliant multi-voltage (100 V-240 V) |
Slider: | Non-centerable phase slider (PhL, Ph1, 1 empty position); Centerable phase slider (PhL, Ph1, 1 empty position), Ph2 ring (optional); HMC slider (MCI, MC2, MC3) |
Attachable mechanical stage: | Stage movement: 126 x 80mm; Accepts several microplate holders |
Holder: | Terasaki holder (accepts 65mm petri dish); Slide glass holder (accepts 54mm petri dish); Hemacytometer holder |
Filter: | 45mm NCB11, ND8 and GIF (green interference) |
Eyepiece lens: | C-W 10x (F.O.V. 22mm), C-W 15x (F.O.V. 16mm) |
Condenser (without condenser O.D. 190mm): | ELWD condenser: N.A. 0.3 (O.D. 75mm) |
Epi-fluorescence attachment: | Field diaphragm, Fluorescence filter block holder (2 filter blocks mountable, 1 empty position), Heat absorbing filter, Lamphouse for 50W mercury lamp, Light shielding plate, UV-cut filter (detachable) |